So where am I with my plan? Today I weighed 138, I know another gain. I have stepped in up a notch and have entered into the 10 Day Challenge. Do my best for 10 days. That's it. Work out everyday. Cardio and strength - easy peasy!!! It better be! I look at the pics of me in the bikini - if I can even call it that with the silly little skirt and there is work to do - what can I do in 10 days though - that is the question. Ok so work out - check. Done, completed for Monday, cardio and strength. Eating - did well - remember few weeks ago I spent what $50 bucks on that wedding day diet, I am following those principles today. Protein, fat and green veg - no other carbs. Again 10 days thats it. When I get back - the diet will be less strict because I want oatmeal for breakfast and the ability to have eat WW bagels and breads. But I'll worry about that later. But for now...gotta do what I gotta do.
I created this blog late last year - when I gained 13 pounds in 10 days. Lack on control - this was me - I just let everything go. i have since reigned myself back in - and can't seem to get where I need to be. Since starting this blog and reading other blogs, I see my all or nothing attitude. If I can't do it right then I might as well destroy everything - what I have learned is that I seek some balance in my life. Balance with eating, yes. Balance with family, most definitely, balance with work. I seek balance and harmony in my life. To feel good about me, my body, my choices, to feel good about my family, to feel that I am accomplishing what my family needs form me, whether it be food, household organization, me time, etc I need to feel or better yet try an find the balance in all these components of my life.
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